Indicators Algorithms

Trade anywhere, anytime! Algorithms in your pocket make trading mobile, helping you increase your income.

Prices for indicators:


49.95 USDT

        /  1 month
+2 months Free

The package includes all indicators

    List of indicators:
  • INTELLECT_city - Index inside %
  • INTELLECT_city - Support and Resistance
  • INTELLECT_city - Algorithm PRO 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Index Trend - 32 Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - QiBS World PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - Openlogic PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - 8 in 1 Support Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - Stochastic 3.0
  • INTELLECT_city - RSI 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Japan Trade
  • INTELLECT_city - Convergence-Divergence
  • INTELLECT_city - Decline Flow of Money
  • INTELLECT_city - Up and Down - Strategy
  • INTELLECT_city - Fibonacci Indicator
  • INTELLECT_city - Money Printing Press - Strategy

Payment method:
All types of cryptocurrencies, including: USDT\USDC\BUSD


 299,7 USDT

        /  6 months
+4 months Free

The package includes all indicators

    List of indicators:
  • INTELLECT_city - Index inside %
  • INTELLECT_city - Support and Resistance
  • INTELLECT_city - Algorithm PRO 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Index Trend - 32 Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - QiBS World PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - Openlogic PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - 8 in 1 Support Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - Stochastic 3.0
  • INTELLECT_city - RSI 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Japan Trade
  • INTELLECT_city - Convergence-Divergence
  • INTELLECT_city - Decline Flow of Money
  • INTELLECT_city - Up and Down - Strategy
  • INTELLECT_city - Fibonacci Indicator
  • INTELLECT_city - Money Printing Press - Strategy

Payment method:
All types of cryptocurrencies, including: USDT\USDC\BUSD


  599,4 USDT

       /  ∞
Unlimited Use

The package includes all indicators

    List of indicators:
  • INTELLECT_city - Index inside %
  • INTELLECT_city - Support and Resistance
  • INTELLECT_city - Algorithm PRO 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Index Trend - 32 Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - QiBS World PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - Openlogic PRO
  • INTELLECT_city - 8 in 1 Support Indicators
  • INTELLECT_city - Stochastic 3.0
  • INTELLECT_city - RSI 2.0
  • INTELLECT_city - Japan Trade
  • INTELLECT_city - Convergence-Divergence
  • INTELLECT_city - Decline Flow of Money
  • INTELLECT_city - Up and Down - Strategy
  • INTELLECT_city - Fibonacci Indicator
  • INTELLECT_city - Money Printing Press - Strategy

Payment method:
All types of cryptocurrencies, including: USDT\USDC\BUSD

To make a profit:

Need mobility

Indicators are always with you, in your pocket, on your mobile, PC, laptop.
Are you relaxing on the beach? Everything is at hand. Are you at a restaurant? Mobile with algorithms in your pocket. Are you on the road in a car? Everything is at hand.

Time = Money

Algorithms must work 24/7, when you are resting or sleeping - Indicators must work for you, the market is huge, and the human factor is not able to take into account all aspects related to the cryptocurrency world.


Each of us has human FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), greed, euphoria, panic, and because of this we often make mistakes in trading. We need cold calculation, robotism, and unemotional decision making.

INTELLECT_city indicators are already used:

Approximate statistics for the last 7 years, the use of our algorithms and indicators:

1238 +
97234 +
Auto alerts
684 +
Connected Exchanges

All our indicators
algorithms are located on the TradingView platform

Which is powerful and fast. TradingView always comes with advanced settings and the interface you know and love.

Trade Bitcoin and all Altcoins

Trading on Bitcoin will never be enough for you; we know that you always want more.
Perfectly! The indicators are also suitable for trading Bitcoin and all Altcoins.
What about the Timeframe? Yes, they are suitable for any timeframe, including all trading exchanges.

Professional advice for traders: The higher the timeframe, the more confident the position, but each trade will then take longer.

Remember: Time multiplied by price = profit.


For real success

Your favorite trading requires a professional tool. Only with the best algorithms can you achieve outstanding results. They are the ones who will make your trading effective and profitable.